Selected Awards
- NTNU Onsager Fellowship in Robotic Vision (tenure-track faculty position + 2 PhD studentships at NTNU in Trondheim, Norway) [passed]
- ETH Medal 2014 for outstanding doctoral dissertation (~top 5% of all PhD theses at ETH-Zurich)
- Best PhD Student award (by IAPR, out of ~130 pre-screened candidates at ICVSS 2012)
- Qualcomm Innovation Fellowship (QInF) 2012, worth 10,000 EUR on my research proposal
- Best Paper Award, for my 3dRR 2011 paper by Microsoft Research
- 2nd position out of 140 students in Bachelor of Engineering (Electronics) programme at NEDUET (99.7th percentile overall amongst ~1500 students in Engineering faculty)
- Prizes at six national level software competitions/olympiads (1998-2001)
- Member of Pakistan-I team at three international programming olympiads (SEARCC ISSC 2000-02 in Singapore/Philippines/New Zealand)